Monday, September 6, 2010


Harry is the latest artist to join Drawing Time! He's only in Grade Prep but look at what he has produced in his very first DT session! Absolutely fantastic! These three characters have so much mystery surrounding them, the way they look at each other so suspiciously.... I didn't get to ask Harry last week about these three last week, he was so busy drawing, moving on after finishing one piece. I'll find out more from him tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to seeing what lands on his paper next! Welcome to the Boys Drawing Club, Harry!


Horus completed this wonderful piece of art many months ago, somehow it only landed on the blog though today. There is so much to look at in this picture, the detail is astounding, the colours so arresting! The multi-dimensional illusions! The genetic mutations! I'm so impressed with the art of Horus. He draws so quietly from beginning to end of Drawing Time, producing masterpieces of wild imagination and surreal scenarios. This piece really makes me think that Horus has succeeded in blurring the boundaries of daytime reality and dreamscapes. I absolutely love this piece, and shall be asking Horus for more information on the flag in the background as well, what do all those symbols mean?

WOW! What - a - MASTERPIECE! this is epic indeed! I added a few books about Ancient Egypt to the Drawing Time library this month, especially for Horus, as I knew somehow that he had a special connection to Ancient Egypt! A fascinating journey above, I am soooo impressed, I shall be writing down tomorrow what Horus has to explain about this incredibly beautiful and magical piece of art so I can share it with you ASAP!


What an amazing drawing! Carlos worked hard last week on reproducing this picture from a Drawing Time library book, and I think it's actually much much better than the original. What a character! Check out how Carlos has tackled the foreshortening of the cowboy's arm and hand....Incredible! Carlos has drawn those difficult lines with great conviction, thus allowing us as viewers to be easily tricked into the illusion that the hand is much closer to us than the rest of the body. Nothing is too challenging for Carlos...I'm looking forward to our next collaboration, I want to join him in practising the art of foreshortening, get some tips from him!

Darc ???

 This Cypholiptisyte is very authentically reproduced... I love the way the Cypholiptisyte looks so eager and friendly, while the snake appears to be more reserved in displaying such exuberance.

But is this artwork really by Darcy? I'm intirgued, as it seems as if it may belong to another DT artist who has trickily assigned the work to Darc...? I shall get back to you on this after tomorrow's Boys Drawing Time session.

Now this one to the right I definitely know is the work of Darc. He has taken on the new Letraset colours like a true master. This colouring is brilliant, not to mention the character Darc has conjured up for our delight! I love the way Darc has drawn the nose lines, and the little teeth... I'd like this picture on a T-shirt actually, I must discuss this possibility with Darc tomorrow.

Do Do

Do Do is not a new member of Drawing Time, he's just upgraded his name from President of Drawing Time to Do Do. His artwork remains as fabulous and distinctively presidential as ever though. This "W" is Very Cool. And as for the three characters below? Love 'em!